The Tractor’s Radio

This is the first in a four-part series exploring the seasonal sections of my forthcoming haiku collection The Deep End of the Sky.

“The Tractor’s Radio” is the title of the spring section of The Deep End of the Sky, my forthcoming collection of haiku from Turtle Light Press. This section of the book features 11 haiku beginning with these two:


all you’ll ever need to know
about sunrise

And here is this section’s title haiku:

stars at dusk:
the tractor’s radio

My family has deep roots in South Dakota. So, while many haiku in The Deep End of the Sky depict the farm landscape of America’s heartland, others are more personal, touching on aging and the loss of loved ones, such as this one, also in the spring section:

spring rain—
speaking of the dead
in a softer voice

Here’s one more with South Dakota’s state flower:

petals thinner
than their purple
pasque at first light

The Deep End of the Sky is available to pre-order from Turtle Light Press’s store for $12.50 with free shipping in the U.S.

5 thoughts on “The Tractor’s Radio

  1. Dear Chad, What wonderful poems. My parents were from southwestern Wisconsin (mother’s family) and Milwaukee (both parents). Karl and I live in a small town by Lake Michigan. I’ll be happy to order your book.

    Many blessings, Ellen


    • Hi Ellen, I’m glad you liked the haiku. Sounds like you can relate to them. If you haven’t had an opportunity to hold and read a book from Turtle Light Press, you’ll be very pleased if you pick up a copy of The Deep End of the Sky, or any of the press’s other titles. Thanks for stopping by! Kindly, Chad


  2. Pingback: Wanted: A Spot on Your Bookshelf | The Deep End of the Sky

  3. Hi Chad, have always enjoyed your haikus, I like the earthiness of it, intend to buy The Deep End of the Sky, definitely has a place on my bed side table with the other books. Wishing you all the best.


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